Tutorial: Dynamics, characterization and control at the micro/nano scale 
Friday May 13, 2011

The tutorial

This tutorial, entitled 'Dynamics, characterization and control at the micro/nano scale ', is a full-day tutorial.

date: Friday May 13, 2011 (9:00am --> 5:00pm)
Session name: TU-F-1
Room: 3C

The organizers

- Micky Rakotondrabe, Associate Professor
- Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Research Fellow
- Yassine Haddab, Associate Professor
- Yann Le Gorrec, Full Professor
- and Nicolas Chaillet, Full Professor

All the organizers are/were with:

Automatic Control and Micro-Mechatronic Systems Department (AS2M),
FEMTO-st Institute,
24, rue Alain Savary
25000 Besançon - FRANCE

Ongoing position of Micky Rakotondrabe:
Full Professor, ENIT (National School of Engineering in Tarbes)
Toulouse INP

MAVRICS research group (Mechatronics, Automatic control, Virtual reality and Robotics for the InteraCtion of Systems)
LGP (Laboratoire Génie de Production)
ENIT (National School of Engineering in Tarbes)
Toulouse INP
47, Avenue d'Azereix
65000 Tarbes - FRANCE

Email: mrakoton 'at' enit 'dot' fr
Homepage: m.rakoton.net

List of the speakers

The speakers are researchers internationally recognized in the fields related to the micro/nano-scale which include the design, development, characterization, modeling and control of micro-nanosystems. The tentative program is:

  1. Yassine Haddab1 and Stéphane Régnier2,
    1FEMTO-ST Institute, 2ISIR Institute Paris FR
    Title: "Issues and specificities at the micro/nano world",

  2. Quan Zhou,
    Aalto University Finland
    Title: "Impact of Ambient Environment on Micro Interactions",

  3. Micky Rakotondrabe,
    FEMTO-ST Institute
    Title: "Hysteresis modelling, identification and feedforward control for piezoelectric based Microsystems",

  4. Zhe Lu, Xuping Zhang, Clement Leung, Navid Esfandiari, Robert F. Casper and Yu Sun
    University of Toronto
    Title: Recent progress in robotic cell manipulation",

  5. Gilgueng Hwang
    CNRS, LPN Laboratory Paris FR
    Title: "Hybrid micro/nanorobotic manufacturing of thin-film nanostructures based NEMS",

  6. Yassine Haddab and Mokrane Boudaoud,
    FEMTO-ST Institute
    Title: "Noise characterization, modeling and reduction in micromanipulation systems",


Modelling, identification, characterization, control, automation, micro/nanopositioning systems, micro/nanoimaging and metrology, micro/nano-scale, nonlinearities, environmental disturbance.

The material (.pdf format) can be downloaded:

Webmaster: Micky Rakotondrabe.