This Workshop, entitled 'Automation of Assembly and Packaging at the Micro/Nano-scale', is a full-day workshop.
date: Wednesday August 24, 9:00-13:00 and 14:00-18:00
Session name: WeA1 (morning) and WeB1 (after-noon)
Room: Zodiaco
- Micky Rakotondrabe, Associate Professor
- Yassine Haddab, Associate Professor
- Cédric Clévy, Associate Professor
- and Philippe Lutz, Full Professor
All the organizers are/were with:
Automatic Control and Micro-Mechatronic Systems Department (AS2M),
FEMTO-st Institute,
24, rue Alain Savary
25000 Besançon - FRANCE
Ongoing position of Micky Rakotondrabe:
Full Professor, ENIT (National School of Engineering in Tarbes)
Toulouse INP
MAVRICS research group (Mechatronics, Automatic control, Virtual reality and Robotics for the InteraCtion of Systems)
LGP (Laboratoire Génie de Production)
ENIT (National School of Engineering in Tarbes)
Toulouse INP
47, Avenue d'Azereix
65000 Tarbes - FRANCE
Email: mrakoton 'at' enit 'dot' fr
The objective of this workshop is to give an overview of current automation techniques and control for systems used
to perform precise assembly and packaging at the micro/nano-scale. The particularities of micro/nano-scale such as
the adhesion forces, the difficulty to embed high performances measurement systems, the impossibility to use direct senses,
and the high sensitivity to environmental disturbances make that controlling and automating these tasks require new approaches
and methodologies. Furthermore, the severe performances (submicrometric resolution, high bandwidth) required to success the micro/nano-assembly
and packaging involve the use of robust and efficient control techniques and methodologies. The speakers will give the recent development on the
automation of assembly and packaging at micro/nano-scale and on the related control issues. The presentations include, and not limited to,
methodology for design or control, experimental or theoretical results on new development and techniques, new approaches to measure signals
at this scale for a further feedback control, focused control applications, methodology to generate trajectory for efficient precise micro/nano-assembly.
Webmaster: Micky Rakotondrabe.