This workshop, entitled 'Robotic manipulation: mechatronic tools, modeling, identification and control', is a half-day workshop
that will take place during the IFAC World Congress, held in Berlin Germany from 12th to 17th of July 2020.
date of workshop: Saturday July 11, 2020
Room: --
Place: Estrel Hotel and Congress Center situated in the Neukölln district of Berlin.
This workshop is within the activities of the IFAC TC.4.2 Mechatronics and can touch the activities of TC.4.3 Robotics as well.
The objective of this workshop is to give an overview of issues and current techniques in robotic
manipulation and grasping. We focus here on manipulation devices composed of robotic arms and/or
multifingered gripper to perform assembly tasks, to handle tools, to manipulate versatile objects
(biological or not) and to interact with humans. There are several possible applications; such as
automotive industry, cobotics, medical (surgery and assistance), watch industry, military...
The presenters of the workshop will present innovative techniques to ensure an efficient and robust
robotic manipulation and grasping task covering several complementary needed aspects such as
mechanism design, mechatronics, modelling, parameters estimation and control. The aim is to
exchange expertise on mechatronic tools, modeling, identification and control used in robotic manipulation tasks and to initiate collaborations between researchers of robotics manipulation
community. The workshop is a half-day workshop.
While many challenges have been yet observed in robotic manipulation; such as limited number of
sensors and uncertainties; novel scientific challenges are raised: robotic manipulation in collaboration
with human, tasks in harsh - extreme or tiny environment, manipulation of a very small objects, more
and more complex objects shape, bulky object manipulation in crowded environment, deformability of
the objects, object manipulation with varying of weight and mechanical impedance, more and more
dexterity to be reached, manipulation with more than two robotic arms, manipulation with mobile
robotics arms. Hence new advanced techniques that deal with force control, interaction stability,
modeling, parametric identification and control techniques have also been raised.
The aim of this workshop is to exchange expertise on robotics manipulation and its several aspects and
issues and to initiate collaborations between researchers of manipulation robotics community. It
should also allow specialists presenting their different approaches and initiating collaborations and
joint projects.
The topics covered by the workshop are:
- Robotic manipulation and grasping,
- advanced control,
- grasp quality,
- force control,
- stability analysis,
- state estimation,
- physical Human-Robot Interaction,
- mechatronic tools and devices
all related to robotic manipulation.
To attend the tutorial, the person must do a registration. More details on the registration fee can be found here:
more informations on registration.
A registration fee permits to the attendant to assist any of the conference and all workshops proposed by IFAC WC.
The list of all workshops will be available here: list of Workshops.
- Fabio RUGGIERO, University of Naples Federico II Italy,
- Markus GREBENSTEIN, DLR Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics Germany,
- Arash AJOUDANI, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Italy,
- Mathieu GROSSARD, Commisariat de l'Energie Atomique Paris France,
- Mourad BENOUSSAAD, National School of Engineering in Tarbes France,
- Chee Pin TAN, Monash University Malaysia,
- Micky RAKOTONDRABE, National School of Engineering in Tarbes France,
More details on each presentation can be found in the "Speakers and talks" section
Webmaster: Micky Rakotondrabe