Tutorial on
"Mechatronics and robotics for manipulation: design and control"

Assistant Professor, University of Sharjah

University of Sharjah
Sharjah - UAE

Phone: +xxx

Email: skhadraoui 'at' sharjah 'dot' ac 'dot' ae
More info: Link
More info: Link

Talk title:
From plant measurements to controllers design: Application to a rotary flexible joint manipulator

In this talk, some data-based control design methods will be presented along with an application to robotic manipulators. Such approaches have many attractive properties to achieve the high-level of accuracy required in manipulation tasks. Their main advantages over model-based control design approaches mainly include: i) no plant model is required in the design process, ii) the control design does not depend on the increasing order or complexity of the plant, and iii) the controller structure and order can be selected a priori.

Sofiane Khadraoui rreceived the B.E. and magister's degrees in automatic control from Abou Bekr Belkaid University, Tlemcen, Algeria, in 2004 and 2007, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in automatic control from the University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France, in 2012. From 2012 to 2015, he was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate with Texas A&M University, Doha, Qatar. In 2015, he joined the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE, where he is currently an Assistant Professor. His main research interests mainly include robust control design for uncertain systems, data-based control design for unknown systems, robust stability analysis, process monitoring and fault detection, compensation of nonlinear phenomena, modeling of uncertainties, optimization, and interval computation. Among the applications of his research is the manipulation of miniaturized objects by using mechatronic tools and the manipulation of 'senstitive' objects by using robotic hand.




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