Detailed profile


Institutional responsabilities:

  • Sept 2021->onwards: Member of the Academic Council of the University of Toulouse
  • July 2021->onwards: Member of the Scientific and Strategic Council Board of the LGP laboratory
  • July 2021->onwards: Member of the Governing Board of the LGP laboratory
  • July 2021->onwards: deputy head of the SYSTEMS research department, LGP laboratory
  • March 2021->onwards: Member of the Scientific and Technical Council of ENIT
  • 2020->July 2021: Founder and head of the MAVRICS research thematics ("Methodologies for the design and the automatic control of mechatronic and robotic systems for interaction", LGP laboratory
  • 2016->Aug 2019: Founder and head of the GREEM (HERE and HERE), "International Master on "Control for Green Mechatronics", UBFC University
  • Aug 2017->Aug 2019: Founder and head of the MACS research group, "Methodologies for the Design and for the Automatic Control of Mechatronic Systems", FEMTO-ST
  • July 2015->August 2017: Head of the CODE research group
  • July 2015->Aug 2019: Member of the Scientific Council of the AS2M department of FEMTO-ST
  • July 2015->Aug 2019: Member of the Governing Board of the AS2M departmentof FEMTO-ST
  • Nov 2015->May 2017: Member of the Scientific Council of the ENSMM engineering school
  • 2012-2015: Consultant at the AIP-Primeca-pôle
Prizes, awards and recognition:

Supervised students prizes and awards:

  • 2020: Article on the Frontpage of the journal, MDPI Micromachines journal, Romain Catry (PhD student)
  • 2015-2016: Prematuration grant award for the AMAROB company creation, Sergio Lescano (PhD student)
  • 2015: Inovation award, French MEDTEC exhibitions, Sergio Lescano (PhD student)
  • 2014: µ-d'OR special jury award, French Micronora exhibitions, Sergio Lescano (PhD student)
  • 2014: Best presentation award in sessions, ACC American Control Conference, Didace Habineza (PhD student)
Journal editorial activities:

Technical committee activities:

Editorial activities and organization responsabilities in conferences:

  • 2024: Program Committee, IEEE/RAS IROS, Abu Dhabi UAE
  • 2024: Program Committee, IEEE MARSS, Delft NL
  • 2023: Program Committee, IEEE MARSS, Abu Dhabi UAE
  • 2023: Program Committee, IFAC World Congress, Yokohama Japan
  • 2023: Program Committee, National SAGIP congress, Marseille France
  • 2022: Program Committee, IFAC Symposium on Mechatronics, Los Angeles CA USA
  • 2022: Program Committee, IFAC MATHMOD, Vienna Austria
  • 2022: Program Committee, IEEE MARSS, Toronto Canada
  • 2020: Program Committee, IEEE/RAS IROS, Las Vegas NV USA
  • 2020: Program Committee, IEEE MARSS, Toronto Canada, postponed
  • 2020: Program Committee, IFAC World Congress, Berlin Germany
  • 2019: Program Committee, IFAC MECHATRONICS & NOLCOS, Vienna Austria
  • 2019: Program Committee, IEEE MARSS, Helsinki Finland
  • 2018: Organizing committee chair, webmaster, program committee, JNRSE, Besançon France
  • 2018: Program Committee, IEEE MARSS, Nagoya Japan
  • 2017: Program Committee, IEEE/ASME AIM, Munich Germany
  • 2017: Program Committee, IFAC World Congress, Toulouse France
  • 2017: Program Committee, IEEE MARSS, Montréal Canada
  • 2016: Program Committee, IFAC Symposium on Mechatronics, Loughborough UK
  • 2016: Program Committee, IEEE MARSS, Paris France
  • 2016: Program Committee, SPIE Sensing Technology + Applications, Baltimore MD USA
  • 2015: Program Committee, IEEE ICIA, Yunnan China
  • 2015: Program Committee, IEEE MSC, Sydney Australia
  • 2015: Program Committee, IEEE/ASME AIM, Pusan South Korea
  • 2015: Program Committee, IEEE ICRA, Seattle WA USA
  • 2015: Program Committee, SPIE Sensing Technology + Applications, Baltimore MD USA
  • 2014: Program Committee, IEEE ROBIO, Hanoi Vietnam
  • 2014: Program Committee, IEEE ICRA, Hong Kong China
  • 2014: Program Committee, SPIE Sensing Technology + Applications, Baltimore MD USA
  • 2014: Program Committee, Organizing committe chair, Webmaster of the conference website, Papercept and Papercept-registration technical co-administrator, IEEE/ASME AIM, Besançon France
  • 2013: Program Committee, IEEE/ASME AIM, Wollongong Australia
  • 2013: Program Committee, IEEE ICRA, Karlsruhe Germany
  • 2012: Program Committee, workshop on µCONTROL, Besançon France
  • 2012: Committee member, IEEE ICRA 2012 Best Automation Paper Award, St Paul MN USA
  • 2010: Program Committee, IEEE CASE, Toronto Canada
  • 2006: Local organizing committee, Génie Industrielle, Besançon France
  • 2006: Local organizing committee, IWMF, Besançon France
Organized workshops, tutorials, special/invited sessions/tracks in conferences and Summer School organization:

Special/invited sessions/tracks:
Workshops, tutorials:
Invited talks and seminars (excluding invited talks in conferences and workshops/tutorials during conferences):

PhD and HDR committee participation (does not include supervised PhD students):

  • 2024: Alejandro Flores Reyes, 'Design and development of a UAV with hybrid flight capabilities for electrical tower inspection', CIO (Leon, Mexico), defense: May 20, 2024,
    position: external examiner as president (président).
  • 2024: Abhishek Kumar, 'A study into the effective electro-elastic properties and energy harvesting performance of PMN-0.3PT/PDMS piezoelectric polymer composite', IIT (Bhubaneswar, Indian), defense: May 2, 2024,
    position: external examiner (rapporteur).
  • 2024: Abdenbi Mohand-Ousaid, 'Contribution à l'optimisation topologique de systèmes micro-mécatroniques', UBFC University / FEMTO-ST institute, defense: March 20, 2024,
    position: member (examinateur).
  • 2023: Inno Oduor Odira, 'Multimode Optimised Thermoelastic and Antiresonance Damping for Vibration Rectification Error Suppression in Mems Accelerometers', DeKUT University (Nyeri, Kenya), defense: Nov 27, 2023,
    position: external examiner (rapporteur).
  • 2023: Kejun Hu, 'Contributing to smart material based-actuators for reconfigurable origami robots', UBFC University / FEMTO-ST institute, defense: June 28, 2023,
    position: referee (rapporteur).
  • 2023: Morris Mwangi, 'Ultra-high accuracy robotic nanopositioning strategies for 3D hybrid photonic integrated circuits', UBFC University / FEMTO-ST institute, defense: May 3, 2023,
    position: referee (rapporteur).
  • 2023: Yisha Chen, 'Portable instrument to rapidly assess mechanical properties of the skin', University of Lille / L2EP-lab, defense: March 9, 2023, position: referee (rapporteur).
  • 2022: Thomas Muller, 'Étude de la transparence de manipulateurs passifs par approches mécaniques et cognitives : Application aux systèmes de Neoditech', Nantes université / LS2N Laboratory, defense: July 5, 2022,
    position: referee (rapporteur).
  • 2022: Yixin Sun, 'Output Feedback for Multiple Magnetic Therapeutic Microrobots', INSA Centre Val de Loire / PRISME Laboratory, defense: June 3, 2022,
    position: president (président).
  • 2021: Nicolas Huloux, 'Étude de la réflexion et de l'absorption des ondes ultrasonores par le doigt : application aux surfaces haptiques', Aix-Marseille université / Institut des Sciences du Mouvement, defense: May 6, 2021,
    position: referee (rapporteur).
  • 2021: Bhawnath Tiwari, 'Multi-axis instrumentation for robotized micro-assembly', UBFC University / FEMTO-ST institute, defense: January 14, 2021,
    position: referee (rapporteur).
  • 2020: Jonathan Cailliez, 'Contributions à la modélisation et la commande de capteurs de forces actifs pour la méso et micro-robotique', Sorbonne University / ISIR-lab, defense: November 19, 2020,
    position: referee (rapporteur).
  • 2020: Anis Kaci, 'Méthodologies de commande de vibration multimodales par modulation-démodulation synchrone : application au retour tactile "multi-touch"', University of Lille / L2EP-lab, defense: September 28, 2020,
    position: referee (rapporteur).
  • 2019: Andrei Popescu, 'On control approaches for estimation purposes - Applications to tunneling current and magnetic levitation processes', University of Grenoble Alpes / GIPSA-lab and TIMA lab, defense: November 25, 2019,
    position: referee (rapporteur).
  • 2019: Victor Vieille, 'Exploration de l'actionnement magnétique à distance de petits objets : application aux laboratoires sur puce', University of Grenoble Alpes / GE2A-lab, Liphy lab and Néel institute, defense: November 19, 2019,
    position: referee (rapporteur).
  • 2016: Raouia Oubellil, 'Modeling and control of a 3-axes SEM-integrated nano-robotic system driven by piezoelectric stick-slip actuators', University of Grenoble Alpes / GIPSA-lab, defense: December 12, 2016,
    position: examiner.
  • 2015: Lukasz Ryba, '3D Nanopositioning based on tunneling current measurement and piezoactuation', University of Grenoble Alpes / GIPSA-lab, defense: November 27, 2015,
    position: examiner.
  • 2012: Muhamed Rasid PacRyba, 'Precision and mobility analysis for microrobot design and control', University of Texas at Arlington TX USA, June 20, 2012,
    position: examiner.
Recruitment committee participation:

  • 2019: Evaluator for Associate Professorship position for Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh UK
  • 2016: Committee member of Maître de Conférences recruitment (commissions universitaires) at University of Franche-Comté Besançon France
  • 2014: Committee member of Maître de Conférences recruitment (commissions universitaires) at INSA Lyon France
  • 2013: Committee member of Maître de Conférences recruitment (commissions universitaires) at INSA Lyon France
Book reviewing:

  • 2014: referee for a book at the following publisher: Elsevier Chandos Publishing
Conferences referee:

Journals referee:

  • SCIENCE Robotics
  • NATURE Microsystems & Nanoengineering
  • IEEE Access
  • IEEE Control Systems Magazine
  • IEEE Control Systems Letters
  • IEEE Robotics & Automation Letters
  • IEEE Sensors
  • IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
  • IEEE Transactions on Robotics
  • IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
  • IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
  • IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
  • IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement
  • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
  • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
  • IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
  • IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
  • IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
  • SIAM Journal of Optimization and Control
  • IFAC Control Engineering Practice
  • IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
  • IFAC Mechatronics
  • International Journal of Control
  • International Journal of Applied Mechanics
  • Asian Journal of Control
  • IET Control Theory & Applications
  • IET Micro & Nano Letters
  • Elsevier Sensors & Actuators A: Physical
  • Elsevier Energy Conversion and Management
  • Elsevier Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
  • Elsevier Measurement
  • Elsevier Results In Physics
  • Elseiver Journal of Materials and Design
  • Elsevier Sensors Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  • Elsevier Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
  • Elsevier Journal of Materials Research and Technology
  • Elsevier Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
  • Taylor & Francis Electric Power Components and Systems
  • Taylor & Francis International Journal of Systems Science
  • Taylor & Francis IETE Journal of Research
  • Taylor & Francis Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical System
  • AIP Journal of Applied Physics
  • IOP Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
  • IOP Review of Scientific Instruments
  • IOP Smart Materials and Structures
  • OSA Optics Express
  • Springer Meccanica
  • Springer Cell Biochemistry & Biophysics
  • Springer International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design
  • Springer Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
  • Springer Control Theory and Technology (Journal of Control Theory and Applications)
  • Springer Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A
  • Springer Microsystem Technologies
  • Springer Nonlinear Dynamics
  • Birkhäuser/Springer Journal of Mathematics in Computer Science
  • SAGE Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering
  • SAGE Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
  • SAGE Journal of Vibration and Control
  • SAGE Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
  • SAGE Journal of Systems and Control Engineering
  • SAGE Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
  • CCSE Journal of Molecular Biology Research
  • MDPI Actuators
  • MDPI Algorithms
  • MDPI Energies
  • MDPI International Journal of Molecular Sciences
  • MDPI Sensors
  • MDPI Micromachines
  • MDPI Materials
  • MDPI Nanomaterials
  • ACS Langmuir
  • Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control
  • Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics
  • International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
  • Hindawi Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
  • Hindawi Journal of Robotics
  • Hindawi Mathematical Problems in Engineering
  • Hindawi Journal of Applied Mathematics
  • Hindawi Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
  • Merit Research Journal of Education and Review
  • Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, section Mechatronics
  • Journal of Reliable Computing
Projects expertise:

I am referee for the following agencies and grants
  • Mexican CONACYT, Ciencia de frontera call
  • European FLAG-ERA JTC, a Joint FET Graphene Flagship and FET Human Brain Flagship
  • Nederland Dutch Research Council (NWO)
  • Israeli Ministry of Science, Technology and Space, Research Program "Applied and Engineering Researches"
  • French National Agency for Research (ANR)
  • Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
  • French National Agency for Technological Research (ANRT)
  • Danish Council for Independent Research / Technology and Production Sciences, DFF-Research Project
  • French PES/PEDR grants


  • summer 2011, summer 2018: volunteer, Balimba center in Sarh (Chad)
  • 1996-1997: Sabbatical year, journey throughout Madagascar with my Renault 12

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